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Each year, WNYMCS holds a public meeting to inform our parents about what ESSA (Every Student Suceeds Act) means, how our school qualifies as a Title 1 School, and how our financial allotment is typically spent. Monetary values are calculated based on student enrollment. Parents have input on the spending of our funds and collaborative efforts are made to ensure that all stakeholders are provided with up-to-date information, the financial strategies of WNYMCS when utilizing these grants, and the process of communicating with parents via the transparency governing the actual spending of these funds.
For the 2023-2024 school year, WNYMCS has been granted the following Title Grant lines and amounts through the Every Student Suceeds Act:
Title 1A = $204,939
Title 2A = $23,206
Title 3 = Consortium with other WNY Charter Schools, amount TBD
Title 4A = $15,785
Here are some documents that allow to take a deeper look at what all of this means:
What are WNYMCS's plans for utilizing the above allotments? Your input would be highly valued during our July 20th Board of Education Meeting and Open House this Fall, as well. Please see the following presentation which will assist you with better understanding how we are committed to working with parents on the process of building solid, rational, and strategic academic program for your child: