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COVID-19 Protocols & School Reopening Plan
The COVID-19 Pandemic impacted society in all areas, even schools. Please notice the various procedures for pre-and post COVID protocols and the transitions that WNYMCS has made from:
Full school closure (and virtual learning model) to . . .
A hybrid model used for the initial return to school to . . .
A full re-opening at our new high school located at 2219 South Park Ave. and our current middle school at 102 Buffum St..
As always, if translations are needed, especially for our Spanish speaking families, please contact us at 716-842-NAVY. Individuals with a disability who may need accommodations or legally blind persons who wish for in-person or transcribed documents by phone are also encouraged to contact us. All digital documents can be furnished as hard copies or in Braille by request, as well.
By clicking HERE, you will be able to see our short-term school closing remote learning plan & a summary and reminder about precautions that we will take if we need to close school for longer emergency or health-related precautions.
Please see the comprehensive list of documents relative to your child, the reopening of school, or any health supports and parent contacts since the start of the pandemic--from school closure and virtual learning to a return to school hybrid model to a full in-person program.
We appreciate your support and collaboration with our Board of Trustees and Leadership Team.
Monitoring Your Child's Health
Support 1
Support 2
Update 1