Enrollment/Admissions to WNY Maritime Charter School

Essentials for Success


The ability to control one's emotions and actions under adverse conditions. If you cannot control yourself, you cannot lead others.


The internal feeling of pride and confidence in one's self that, regardless of the difficulty, one has self control, the discipline and the knowledge needed for leadership.


The ability to continue to strive toward one's goal without dependency on outside control, punishment or reward. If you cannot motivate yourself, you cannot motivate others.


It is not obtained by faulting others, but by the realization that I am what I make myself and only when I make myself someone whom others respect, will I acquire leadership.

If you are looking for a mid-year transfer please call our Admissions Clerk at 716-842-6289 for more information

Our mission is to develop cadets in mind, body and character, to prepare them for further education, and to prepare them to be effective leaders and responsible citizens. There are four cornerstones to this mission – Academic Excellence, Character Development, Physical Development, and Leadership Development.

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